Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stair Master!

I'm not the master of the stairs just yet, but I think I'm probably hiking - on average - 24 flights a stairs a day now.  I used to mayyybe do 6-10.  I'm hoping that in a few months I can walk the six flights without feeling complettely out of breath.  It's slow going - but I beleive it will come in time.

on another update - my mom has no more diet coke and has promised not to buy/drink anymore as long as I continueu to walk the stairs at work.

We Found A Roommate!

Great news!  We've found a roommate! 

I'm very pleased to share that we've found a roommate to move in January 1st :D

Monday, December 7, 2009


I've had one since I woke up this morning 6.5 hours ago - yuck!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

pulling my hair out!!!

Ahhh!! My roommate gave notice last night!

Going to have a little cry I think.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Deal...update


No more elevators equals sad face.

Monday I did 18 flights of stairs, and Tuesday I did 40 (half up & half down).  Not all at once of course, but throughout the day.  The most I ever do at a time is 6 (as I'm on the six floor).

I find that the first floor is pretty easy, the second one is doable, but by the third I'm winded.

I've started doing slow breathing, in and out, as a I walk up the stairs.  I try to coach myself through the breathing rather then focusing on how many more steps I have to walk.

I think it's helping.

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Deal

On my last post, I mentioned some learning from a recent Health & Safety meeting we had at work. In one of the comments, my mom issued a challenge.

Does this mean that the diet coke and chocolate bar theory is busted? Oh no! And I shouldn't buy diet coke any more? I do know that it hasn't helped me lose weight. If you do the stairs I will stop buying diet coke. ( but I can't waste or waist what I have)

Mom, I accept your challenge. I will stop taking elevators if you stop drinking diet coke.

I work on the sixth floor, and this morning - walking hurt. I hope that in a few months, it doesn't hurt so much and I get to the feeling good part.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Health & Saftey Meeting

Yesterday we had a health and safety meeting that lasted 4 hours!  In it we had some group exercises, a guest speaker, and some interactive conversation.  The key things I learned were:

  • You should drink a liter of water for every 100lbs of body weight 
    • 2 liters of water for me = 8 cups of water
  • When reading nutrition labels, take care to read the serving size - it can be very misleading
  • Meal planning can go a long way to save you money, time, energy, & stress
  • Simply by increasing the amount of Omega 3 in your diet (via supplement) you can decrease your chance of heart attack and decrease joint swelling, and help your body manage it's insulin levels
  • People, on average, eat their body weight in sugar every year
    • Our ancestors ate less sugar in a year, then we do in a day
  • Aspartame, commonly found in diet products, was originally created as a chemical weapon
    • It also makes our body thing there is sugar when there isn't which can numb our bodies ability to tell when their is real sugar to process.  This messes with incline levels and often results in a weight increase not decrease
  • The number one symptom of heart attack, is death
    • most people don't survive their first (and therfore their only) heart attack to tell about it's symtoms - they just die
I think I might start walking up the stairs in the morning and drinking some water...also going to pick up some Omega 3 pills at Costco next time I'm there.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

fat days - do you have them?

I'm having a bit of a fat day...

As i was walking to the cafeteria to heat up my lunch, I wondered if this bowl of soup would be the one to give me a double chin.


Top 10 things I love about Christmas...

In no particular order...
  1. Most everyone is in a good mood
  2. I get to spend lots of extra time with family
  3. I get to see friends more then I would otherwise
  4. All the good Christmas smells
  5. Baking, Baking, Baking (mine, my mothers, and my grandmothers - and everyone in between)
  6. Time off from work
  7. Decorations are so pretty
  8. Christmas bonus'
  9. Giving of gifts
  10. Spreading Joy

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I made a deal...

with my mom.

If she wouldn't buy crap at the grocery store, neither would I.

Good deal!

I did make a raspberry pie though - does that count b/c I didn't buy it?

Friday, November 13, 2009

What is your ideal weight?

As I start to think about this post, I’m not sure what mine is – I just know that it’s not 210lbs. 

During my annual family Christmas shopping trip, the subject of weight and body types had come up. I believe that my number one problem is portion control. I eat too much. I also probably don’t exersize enough as well.

To figure out my ideal weight, I’m first going to look at my stats and then go to a few online calculators.

Please know that I do understand that muscle weighs more then fat, and you can be fit, in shape, and strong – and weigh more because of muscle – this is not my problem. I have some muscle, but that isn’t where the majority of my weight comes from.

I am 5 foot, 10 inches tall, I am a 25 year old female and I have a medium frame. 
  • According to, my ideal weight is between 150-165 lbs. 
  • According to, my ideal weight is between 120 and 174 lbs. 
  • According to, my ideal weight is between 142 and 156 lbs. 
  • According to, my ideal weigth should be between 132 to 174 lbs. 
Based on the websites I mentioned above, I think I will set my ideal weight goal at 165 lbs. To achieve that, I will need to lose 45 lbs.

I know that part of my plan will be to watch my portion control, and to start moving my body more. I haven’t figured out my exact plan yet – I think the first step is to identify the problem.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Are you who you want to be.. or even who you think you are?

A few months ago I moved my horse to the city.  Up until that point, it’s been several years since I have been directly responsible for her care.

I have to question if I have ever been directly responsible for her care.

She was given to me when I was 12 years old – I had asked my dad if I could have a horse for a full year up to the day when he said I could.  I won’t get into the whole story, but after a few weeks (a month?) of looking, my grandmother found a horse for me.

Starlight was only two at the time, and could not be ridden until she was three – so for that first year we spent a lot of time walking, talking, and grooming.  I worked with a trainer the next year who taught me how to be a better rider and my horse how to listen/interpret my queues.

I really enjoyed being a western horse back rider.  I liked telling people about my horse, my riding – my travels.  I loved spending time with my horse.

During that time, my parents bought a few more horses, horse trailers, and all the horsey-stuff you can imagine (saddles ect).

Then I went away to college.  I came back home every summer for the first five years of school and always rode – probably not as much as I should have, but I rode.  The following year a cousin was looking for a few horses for a horse-back riding adventure tourism thing he was working on and I said he could use starlight as a tour horse in exchange for board/feed – the deal was done.

Then, two years ago my mom and dad sold their horses, trailers, bridles and bits (everything except dad’s saddle).   They actually sold just about everything to an aunt/uncle of mine – the uncles kid, was my cousin who had starlight.

Well – last year cousin could no longer care of starlight, and his plans had all landed on his lap.  That brings us to present day, where a few months ago (August) I brought starlight to my city.

I promised myself that I would give myself a year to figure out if I really was the horse-back riding person that I wanted to me, and that I thought I was.

The first month was great, I went out just about every other day, I got all of her vaccinations up to date – and was off to a great start.  The second month I got my saddle organized, and went out to ride – that was a big fail because I actually forgot how to do up my saddle.

I forgot – I couldn’t do it right – I felt stupid.

After three hours, I went home.

I’ve been back a few times to drop of cheques for her board, and to make sure she’s doing well – but I haven’t tried riding again.

Now it’s cold and dark when I get home – and I haven’t found the time to make it work.

Am I really a horse-back rider?  Am I?

I want to be, I thought I wanted to be, I thought I could be.

I feel like I’m doing her a disservice by not riding and visiting more often – I know she’s not getting the exercise she should be.  I know I need to get her feet shod.  I feel like I have no resources here when it comes to my horse – I don’t know who to go to.

I don’t know if I’m this person anymore and it scares me.  

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Annual Christmas Shopping Trip

I had an amazing weekend!  Except for being sick with a cold, but that was a small problem in comparison to the great time I had with my family.

My mom, her two sisters, and my grandmother came to my city to go Christmas shopping.  It's an annual event for the last five or six years (I think), and it always happens around Remembrance Day.

I got tonnes of shopping done for both Christmas, myself, and a couple of birthday's too!

On Saturday night we went for a big supper and we invited Jordan's parents and his little brother along - it was neat to have them meet a chunk of my family!  I think it went well on both sides too!  I was super nervous, but it wound up being for nothing :D

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm Having Deja-Vu

or some such thing.

Jordan just called.  The Edmonton part's shop wants to borrow Jordan for a couple of days in December so they he can help them organize their shop.  They recently let go of their parts person, so want to make sure things are a-okay.  They're going to pay for his travel, and food and board while he's up there which will be nice.

At first my breath hitched because when we dated a few years back, he was needed on Ontario for a couple of weeks and it turned into 6 months (we broke up while he was away).

This time it's different.  Jordan called me straight off and said he'll try to organize it so its a wed-Friday and then I can drive up after work on the Friday and we could spend the weekend in Edmonton together and then drive home together.  It'll be a nice weekend away.

This whole common-law thing is pretty cool.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Christmas and other ramblings


How do I know this, well aside from the obvious and just looking at the Calendar - my mom, her two sisters, and my grandmother are all coming to town for their annual Christmas shop!  I'm really looking forward to it this year - though, I look forward to it every year.

The actually shopping is just for us women (see I resisted the urge to type girls) - Saturday night, we all go out for supper and usually boyfriends/friends/brother is invited for this.  This year, I've also invited Jordan's parents for supper.

It makes me a little nervous.

Jordan and I have been together for nearly two years, we've known each other for a great many more - it's strange that our family's have never met - nor shown an inclination to want to meet before.

On the good side - at least with Jordan's family there - it will be less awkward (if it would have been at all) with Lindsay.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Coming Together

I feels like things are starting to really come together for Jordan and I. In the last couple of months
  •  I've gotten a raise,
  • Jordan started school (which is being paid for by his work),
  •  my brother and his girlfriend found their own place
  • we found one decent guy to move in (at least we think he's desent so far)
  • i found some ways to reduce our house hold bills (like student plans for the house phone and internet)
  • annnd...
    • WE just got a rent reduction.
It just feels good to have all these things coming together.

Jordan and I opened a joint account so we could be more of a unit financially, and tonight we set up all of our autmatic transactions.  It feels like we're moving together in sync - which is an amazing feeling.

Our next big challenge will be to figure out how to handle Christmas.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

It's Moving Day!

It's actually moving weekend.

Samantha fininished moving yesterday, wahoo!!  Unforutnatly she didn't clean her room, the bathroom, or the space in the fridge/pantry she was using.  I'm thinking of deducting $20/hour for cleaing.  I think it will only take me an hour or two.

Nelson and Lindsay are moving today.  They've done some small things before now, but today's the big day.  Jordan and I left the house at 830am this morning, and are going to try to stay away for the majority of the day (we're at his work right now). 

Part of me wants to get started on Sam's old room - and part of me is worried about the state of affairs once Nelson & Lindsay are done - but we'll hold on that.  The thing is, is that everything has to be clean and ready for new roommate after this weekend.  He'll be moving in during the week (tues/wed likely).

Busy, busy.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Meeting Jordan's Nanuk

Jordan and I went to his aunts last night to help her sort out a computer problem.  Lo and behold, his grandmother  (Nanuk) happened to be in town and staying with this particular aunt.  She lives in the NWT somewhere - I think Tuktoyuktuk, so it was a pretty great surprise

We spent probably 15 minutes fixing the computer, and 2 hours just visiting.  Jordan heard about some of his aunts and uncles and even got a picture of his great grandparents, nanuk, and some of his great aunts/uncles.  

All around, it was a great evening.  

Thursday, October 22, 2009

10 more days....

Until November!!


I have a ripper of a headache this morning... it seems only to be on the right side of my head and behind my eye. How strange.

I thought getting my new glasses with an updated prescription would help eliminate most of these.  Apparently, it's not normal to get headaches several times a week. I took three Tylenol for this one (about an hour ago) so I'm hoping it will go away in short order.

Perhaps this is something I should keep track of.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Me & My Limbs

...are so out of control.

When I was younger I used to think I was a clutz, then I thought I was akward b/c I grew tall so quickly, then I was back to thinking i was a clutz again.  Whatever it is, I'm just tired of hurting myself.  Jordan teases that I have no control over my limbs. 

Today I got home from work a little after 7pm and started rushing to get dinner organized.  Jordan goes to school on Tueday's and gets home usually just before 8pm.  I don't have to make super, but I enjoy it - especially when he gets home so late.  So I was rushing around and decided - hey while I'm waiting for my pork chops to defrost and the oven to heat up - I'l dump a few buckets of water into the fishtank downstairs.

Note - the fishtanks probably evaoporate around 5-10 gallons of water a week (its a 90 gallon tank).

I made the first trip down okay, and started on the second and kind of tripped/fell/slid/skipped down a few steps - pail of water went flying , I fell on my ass - my foot hurt soo so so so bad.

My limbs are out of control.

My brother was home so he helped me down the stairs, through some towels on the water and sat with me  until the pain ebbed away.  Jordan got home 15 minutes later and helped me back up the stairs.  He got me on the couch with some dry clothes.

Brother went back to moving and Jordan is now making dinner.

Two of my toes still hurt pretty bad... and both feet are freezing.

I so don't want to be old and alone

So my Great Aunt was widowed a few months ago - and since, my Boyfriend and I have taken on the role of pseudo care taker.  We are helping to make sure that she gets to the grocery store, her lawn is taken care of and the garbage is brought to the curb - that sort of thing.

Last night she called my boyfriend with an emergency.  She turned the tap on in the kitchen and left it running - then she either fell asleep/read a book or something - she doesn't remember.  She went to get a glass of water and found the sink over flowing all over the kitchen.  It had been running so long that the basement had water in it.  Jordan first made sure that the tap was now turned off and she was safe.  It was, and she was.

I got home from work about 5 minutes later - we had a very quick bite to eat and hightailed it to my aunts.

There were sopping wet towels all over the kitchen floor and main basement floor....and a plunger in the sink.

We got her calm and sitting down (though she kept getting up to 'help') - and got to work.  Jordan fought with the sink and I cleaned and cleaned.  We got everything mopped up and I wound up having a few (4) bags of garbage to throw out and we filled her recycle bin with newspapers from the '80s (there's still more, the bin was already pretty full).

We couldn't get the sink unplugged but managed to get enough water out of it so it wasn't a risk for over flow again.

My aunts going to call a plumber today.  We've asked her to ask the plumber to check out a few other things for her while he's there.  The bathroom sink drips constantly (probably just needs a new washer) and the water pressure is pretty horrible.

I just can't imagine being in my 80's, alone, and scared like that.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Roommates = Stress

So Samantha was supposed to be finished moving out this past Saturday, however she sends me an e-mail saying that school has been so hectic for her that she won't be out until October 24th now.  She did pay a full months' rent -so technically it shouldn't be a problem - but it's frustrating.  Trying to get everything to align with people moving in/out is hard.  Landlord STILL hasn't gotten back to us.... a full week after she said she would.  This next week is going to be painful.

On a side note, we picked up a few cheapy pictures for the walls (from Walmart) and a small side table to go behind the door...

I want November to be over.

Oh, plus, I just found out that my brother doesn't really want to move 'slash' isn't really motivated to pack which really isn't that surprising.  It' must be tricky for him b/c his g/f really does want to get packed and moved (so he says).  I'm voting for Lindsay.

I just want everything in the house to be calm and settled.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Looking Forward

I am looking forward to the end of this month.  There are only 13 more days left in October and they couldn't come soon enough.  With everything that's been going on I've been getting these pretty intense stress headaches.  At least, I figure that's what they are.  Since getting a new prescription for my glasses, it's the only thing that really makes sense.

We're waiting for our landlord to get back us regarding negotiations for our lease.  The current lease ran out as of September 1, 2009.  All of our roommates gave us notice that they are moving out, and we have probably found a new roommate but unless everything goes smoothly and things get cleaned - we'll be in a tight spot for the month of November.

It will probably all come together, but it's hard when I don't really have any control over it.  I just have to wait, and hope that enough respect still exits -  that the folks who are moving out will take care of what they need to.


This blog is more of a personal journal. I promise nothing execpt to be honest.  It will have no prevailing theme or underlying message - it is simply my thoughts.

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