Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Christmas and other ramblings


How do I know this, well aside from the obvious and just looking at the Calendar - my mom, her two sisters, and my grandmother are all coming to town for their annual Christmas shop!  I'm really looking forward to it this year - though, I look forward to it every year.

The actually shopping is just for us women (see I resisted the urge to type girls) - Saturday night, we all go out for supper and usually boyfriends/friends/brother is invited for this.  This year, I've also invited Jordan's parents for supper.

It makes me a little nervous.

Jordan and I have been together for nearly two years, we've known each other for a great many more - it's strange that our family's have never met - nor shown an inclination to want to meet before.

On the good side - at least with Jordan's family there - it will be less awkward (if it would have been at all) with Lindsay.


Mom said...

I don't think it is uncommon when we live in different cities. And I do remember meeting Rob and Cheryl at a restaurant before, but I don't remember when.

Treat Lindsay as though nothing ever happened - I bet she will respond in kind.

Jessie on November 4, 2009 at 11:06 AM said...

No, I suppose not so uncommon :)

It's been getting more frustrating lately - not sure why - all I can see (when I think of her) is her throwing that glass at my face.

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