Friday, November 20, 2009

Health & Saftey Meeting

Yesterday we had a health and safety meeting that lasted 4 hours!  In it we had some group exercises, a guest speaker, and some interactive conversation.  The key things I learned were:

  • You should drink a liter of water for every 100lbs of body weight 
    • 2 liters of water for me = 8 cups of water
  • When reading nutrition labels, take care to read the serving size - it can be very misleading
  • Meal planning can go a long way to save you money, time, energy, & stress
  • Simply by increasing the amount of Omega 3 in your diet (via supplement) you can decrease your chance of heart attack and decrease joint swelling, and help your body manage it's insulin levels
  • People, on average, eat their body weight in sugar every year
    • Our ancestors ate less sugar in a year, then we do in a day
  • Aspartame, commonly found in diet products, was originally created as a chemical weapon
    • It also makes our body thing there is sugar when there isn't which can numb our bodies ability to tell when their is real sugar to process.  This messes with incline levels and often results in a weight increase not decrease
  • The number one symptom of heart attack, is death
    • most people don't survive their first (and therfore their only) heart attack to tell about it's symtoms - they just die
I think I might start walking up the stairs in the morning and drinking some water...also going to pick up some Omega 3 pills at Costco next time I'm there.


Mom said...

Does this mean that the diet coke and chocolate bar theory is busted? Oh no! And I shouldn't buy diet coke any more? I do know that it hasn't helped me lose weight. If you do the stairs I will stop buying diet coke. ( but I can't waste or waist what I have)

apieceofwood on November 21, 2009 at 9:19 AM said...

I can't eat aspartame and you'd be amazed how much food it is actually in.. scary when you realise how many disorders it is linked to!

Melissa @ Frugal Dreamer on November 22, 2009 at 4:18 PM said...

Wow! Great info!!!

Every time I consume aspartame, I get a headache. I haven't had diet soda in YEARS! But I do drink the regular stuff - waaaaaay too much! ;)

But hey, no headaches!

ha ha

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