So Samantha was supposed to be finished moving out this past Saturday, however she sends me an e-mail saying that school has been so hectic for her that she won't be out until October 24th now. She did pay a full months' rent -so technically it shouldn't be a problem - but it's frustrating. Trying to get everything to align with people moving in/out is hard. Landlord STILL hasn't gotten back to us.... a full week after she said she would. This next week is going to be painful.
On a side note, we picked up a few cheapy pictures for the walls (from Walmart) and a small side table to go behind the door...
I want November to be over.
Oh, plus, I just found out that my brother doesn't really want to move 'slash' isn't really motivated to pack which really isn't that surprising. It' must be tricky for him b/c his g/f really does want to get packed and moved (so he says). I'm voting for Lindsay.
I just want everything in the house to be calm and settled.
Weekly Spend - February (week 2)
5 years ago
I would check the landlord-tenant act in Alta to see what it says regarding no signed lease. Are you bound to the $1500? What would happen if you found some other TH's for less, attached those ads and your tenants ins. to a cheque for $1275 for Nov 1. Assuming you don't hear from her, that is.
I feel your pain in wanting things calm and settled. I'm totally not surprised about N not really wanting to move. I'm sure he knows that somewhere else is not necessarily better. He did live with B.D. for a year or so.
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