Sunday, October 18, 2009

Looking Forward

I am looking forward to the end of this month.  There are only 13 more days left in October and they couldn't come soon enough.  With everything that's been going on I've been getting these pretty intense stress headaches.  At least, I figure that's what they are.  Since getting a new prescription for my glasses, it's the only thing that really makes sense.

We're waiting for our landlord to get back us regarding negotiations for our lease.  The current lease ran out as of September 1, 2009.  All of our roommates gave us notice that they are moving out, and we have probably found a new roommate but unless everything goes smoothly and things get cleaned - we'll be in a tight spot for the month of November.

It will probably all come together, but it's hard when I don't really have any control over it.  I just have to wait, and hope that enough respect still exits -  that the folks who are moving out will take care of what they need to.


Mom said...

Did Sam get moved? Did she clean? I guess she wasn't there long enough to make too much dirt.

Jessie on October 18, 2009 at 8:23 PM said...

She sure didn't - she put it off until next weekend now. gr.. oh well.

Mom said...

Another $20 off the utilities

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