...are so out of control.
When I was younger I used to think I was a clutz, then I thought I was akward b/c I grew tall so quickly, then I was back to thinking i was a clutz again. Whatever it is, I'm just tired of hurting myself. Jordan teases that I have no control over my limbs.
Today I got home from work a little after 7pm and started rushing to get dinner organized. Jordan goes to school on Tueday's and gets home usually just before 8pm. I don't have to make super, but I enjoy it - especially when he gets home so late. So I was rushing around and decided - hey while I'm waiting for my pork chops to defrost and the oven to heat up - I'l dump a few buckets of water into the fishtank downstairs.
Note - the fishtanks probably evaoporate around 5-10 gallons of water a week (its a 90 gallon tank).
I made the first trip down okay, and started on the second and kind of tripped/fell/slid/skipped down a few steps - pail of water went flying , I fell on my ass - my foot hurt soo so so so bad.
My limbs are out of control.
My brother was home so he helped me down the stairs, through some towels on the water and sat with me until the pain ebbed away. Jordan got home 15 minutes later and helped me back up the stairs. He got me on the couch with some dry clothes.
Brother went back to moving and Jordan is now making dinner.
Two of my toes still hurt pretty bad... and both feet are freezing.
Weekly Spend - February (week 2)
5 years ago
Can you try to be more deliberate and a little slower when you do things?
You would think that I could....
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